Eligibility for licensure as a pharmacist in North Carolina requires, among other things, that the applicant:
Has obtained an undergraduate professional degree – a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy or Doctor of Pharmacy – from an approved college of pharmacy. An approved college of pharmacy is one accredited by the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) through its PharmD Program Accreditation Standards.
Accreditation does not include any accreditation, certification, or other designation through ACPE’s International Services Program. G.S. 90-85.15(b); 21 NCAC 46.1317(2), (6), (18); 21 NCAC 46.1504.
Or, is a graduate of a foreign school of pharmacy who has obtained Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Certification (FPGEC) from the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). 21 NCAC 46.1503(c)(2).
Submits to criminal background check that finds no disqualifying criminal conviction. G.S. 90-85.15(c); G.S. 90-85.38(a).
Has received 1,500 hours of practical experience under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist. G.S. 90-85.15(b); 21 NCAC 46.1503(a).
The Board accepts hours of experience certified by an approved school of pharmacy from which the applicant has graduated. 21 NCAC 46.1503(b)(4).
All practical experience within the state of North Carolina (whether part of an academic experiential program or otherwise) must be obtained while registered as a pharmacy intern. 21 NCAC 46.1503(b).
Has completed an application for licensure and paid the required fee. 21 NCAC 46.1501.
Has achieved a passing score the North American Pharmacy Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) and the North Carolina Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE), both administered by NABP. G.S. 90-85.15(b); 21 NCAC 46.1505.
An applicant who achieves a passing score on one examination must achieve a passing score on the remaining examination within two calendar years from the date of the first passing score. Failure to achieve passing scores on both exams within a two calendar-year period shall result in denial of the application for licensure. 21 NCAC 46.1505(c).
Applicants are afforded a total of five (5) attempts to achieve a passing score on each examination. Failure to achieve a passing score on each examination within five (5) attempts shall result in the applicant being ineligible for licensure. 21 NCAC 46.1505(d).
The applicant has committed no act or omission that is grounds to deny a license to practice of pharmacy. G.S. 90-85.38(a).
NOTE: If you have not yet created a user profile in the NC Board’s licensure Gateway, you should do that first. Navigate to the Board's Licensure Gateway. Click REGISTER NOW and follow the prompts. Make sure you save your username and password as you will be using them for all licensing processes moving forward.
Step 1:
Log into your NABP e-profile at NABP's website.
Step 2:
Purchase the NAPLEX and MPJE exams on NABP’s website. NABP collects pharmacy school transcripts from all license purchasers and reviews its clearinghouse to determine a candidate’s eligibility to test. If the candidate meets NABP’s testing eligibility criteria, then NABP will issue the Authorization to Test (ATT) for each exam purchased.
See NABP's website for the most updated information on NABP’s examination fees.
Step 3:
Log into your profile on the Board's Licensure Gateway and submit the Pharmacist Exam Application. There is a $200 NON-REFUNDABLE/NON-TRANSFERRABLE application fee. Upload all required documents. Board staff will review the application within ten (10) business days. The application is valid for one year from the date of submission.
Step 4:
Take and pass the NAPLEX and NC MPJE. Board staff receives score reports from NABP, and your pass/fail score will be recorded in your profile when received. Do not call Board staff to inquire whether exam scores have been reported. You may access your scores via NABP's website, as they will be posted there first.
Step 5:
Board staff will confirm that all licensure requirements have been met. If so, Board staff issue the license. You will be notified via the email address you have recorded in your profile once your license has been issued. Make sure you follow all instructions provided to you in that email.
Licensure applications expire one year from the date of submission.
Two years from the date of the exam. 21 NCAC 46.1505(c).
Neither Board members nor Board staff can assist with licensure exam preparation, and neither Board members nor Board staff can endorse or recommend any particular exam preparation publications or courses.
Resources available on the Board’s website include: a compilation of the statutes and rules governing the practice of pharmacy in North Carolina; a compilation of past issues of the Board of Pharmacy newsletter; and a frequently asked questions resource.
All requests for testing accommodations are evaluated by NABP when registering for the NAPLEX and/or MPJE. Please visit NABP's website for more detailed information.
NABP and PearsonVue (operator of NAPLEX and MPJE testing centers) handle issuance of the ATT. Please visit NABP's website for more detailed information. NOTE: Although NABP determines initial authorization to test, the Board of Pharmacy determines eligibility for licensure. An ATT is not a guarantee, express or implied, that the applicant will be granted a license to practice pharmacy.
Score transfer is a process that allows you to transfer your NAPLEX score to other states where you are seeking licensure to avoid repeating the exam. Please visit NABP's website for detailed information on the score transfer. You should also inquire with the board(s) of pharmacy in the state(s) to which you seek score transfer.
The licensure examination application asks: Have you ever been charged with, summoned for, arrested for, taken into custody for, indicted for, or tried for a violation of any law or ordinance or the commission of any felony or misdemeanor? If you answer “Yes”, the on-line application will present you with a text box to submit a written statement. The statement should describe the nature of the event(s) and you must also upload the charging and disposition court documents.
Traffic violations unrelated to alcohol or drug (licit or illicit) use need not be reported.
If a criminal charge has been expunged, it need not be reported. NOTE: An expunction is an order from a court directing that the charge or conviction has been removed from your record and need not be reported. A charge that is dismissed (either prior to trial or as a result of a deferred prosecution agreement or similar) has not been expunged and must be reported. If you are unsure whether you have obtained an expunction order for a charge or conviction, please consult with the court or your own attorney prior to completing the license application. Failure to report a charge or conviction that was not expunged by court order is an omission that can lead to denial of a license application. G.S. 90-85.38(a).
Once you have been licensed, you may log on to your profile and print your annual licensure certificate.
Board staff will mail you the wall certificate after licensure. Please make sure that the mailing address in your profile is current and allow at least six weeks for delivery.
For questions about pharmacist licensure by exam, please contact Stacie Mason at 919.246.1050 or by email at smason@ncbop.org.