The North Carolina Board of Pharmacy was created by the North Carolina Legislature (Chapter 90 Article 4A) to protect the public health, safety and welfare in pharmaceutical matters. The Board sets standards for academic and practical experience programs prior to licensure, issues permits to operate pharmacies and annually renews licenses and permits.
The Board Members meet on the second Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November in the Board's Chapel Hill office to conduct business, set policy and hold disciplinary hearings for pharmacists and pharmacies. These meeting are open to the public except during the time when the Board Members are in closed session deliberating a decision for a disciplinary action. The Board cannot lobby for or against legislation in Raleigh as noted in NCGS 93B, the statute which pertains to licensing boards. No funding is received from the General Assembly and the Board's activities are supported by income primarily from license and permit renewal.
The North Carolina Board of Pharmacy consists of six Board Members, (five Pharmacists and one public Member), and 25 employed Board staff.
Western District
Vice President
Public Member
Southeastern District
Northeastern District
Central District
Northern District
JAY CAMPBELL, Executive Director
- Legal questions
Ellen Vick, Associate Executive Director
- Investigations and inspections, legal questions
Missy Betz, Director of Licensing
- License/registration and permit renewals, continuing education, licensure gateway, CPP information
JP Brown, Accounting Manager
- Accounts payable/accounts receivable, budget
Rhonda Jones, Director of Finance and Human Resources
- HR/benefits administration, personnel, payroll
Stacie Mason, Licensing Specialist / Exam and Reciprocity Coordinator
- Pharmacist licensure by examination, pharmacist licensure by reciprocity, pharmacy internship, duplicate pharmacist certificates
Kristin Moore, Director of Operations
- Office operations, website, social media, mailing lists, events/meetings, Board elections, facilities management
ARiyelle Miller, Receptionist / Administrative Assistant
- Office supply orders
Lisa Parker-Hawkins, Licensing Specialist
- Registrations for technicians, physician assistants/nurse practitioners, and dispensing physicians
Antoine Pryor Information Technology Administrator
Wendy Watson, Licensing/Permitting Specialist
- DME and pharmacy permits, DME PIC changes, pharmacist-manager changes, DME and pharmacy address changes and owner/officer changes
Leslie Wilson, Administrative Assistant to Licensing & Operations
- Board meeting information, events/meetings, license/permit/registration verifications, licensee/registrant name changes
Gray Fullwood, Director of Investigations
- Consumer complaints, investigations, legal questions
Krystal Brashears Stefanyk, Director of Inspections
- Consumer complaints, inspections, legal questions
M. Chase Kauffman Bissell, Enforcement Specialist
Joshua Kohler, Enforcement Specialist
Cindy Parham, Enforcement Manager
Christie Cutbush, Senior Investigator/Inspector, Southeastern NC
Kristy Edmondson, Investigator/Inspector, Northwestern NC
James Fickling, Investigator/Inspector, Southeastern NC
Lindsey Frederick, Investigator/Inspector, Northeastern NC
Dewey Galloway, Investigator/Inspector, Southwestern NC
Ruben Junez, Investigator/Inspector, Central NC
Kimberly Sims, Senior Investigator/Inspector, Northeastern NC
Brent Slaughter, Investigator/Inspector, Northwestern NC
Jason Smith, Senior Investigator/Inspector, Southwestern NC